Thirteen more working days as of this writing. I really feel like I quit sometime around yesterday morning. December is my last month and the pressure is off. I don't have to hit a quota, I don't have to go looking for more business, I just need to wait until it's time to leave.
I've been buying my textbooks on line. I ordered 11 of the 13 I need for this semester. Care to guess what that cost? Under $400. I was stunned. I had expected to be into four figures. Amazon rocks.
I've received four of them so far. One last week and three more today. They're not doing anything to keep me focused on cell phones. Part of me wants to start reading them like they're new Christmas presents. The less giddy part keeps reminding me that they're textbooks and I'll get enough of reading them come late January. But I'm still excited.
As much as studying can be a pain in the neck, I really like school. I've been generally good at it, it comes pretty easily and it beats the heck out of working.
Based on the schedule they've sent me it looks like this is going to be like a year of summer school with an average of 19 credits. Some of the classes are 10 weeks long, so I expect they'll be cramming a lot of stuff in as fast as they can.
But ultimately I remind myself that nursing is basically a blue collar job and that you don't have to be a genius to get into nursing. Mom was a nurse and I knew a lot of her friends and they were all just regular people. I've been fortunate to work in post doctoral dentistry, so I know what what geniuses look like (seriously, specialists in dentistry like Orhto, Endo and Perio -dontists are the cream of the crop). And the nurses I know, while good, hardworking and caring are really about as smart as most of the non-nurses I know. And that's why I'm confident I can get through it.
In related news, Mona is interviewing for a lead position on her team on Wednesday. The decision is supposed to be made on Friday. I am actually a selling point for her. I'm her conduit to sales. She has insights that no one else in our office has (likewise I have insight into customer care that most reps don't). It gives her an edge.
She had to fight for the interview since she has only been iwht the company for six months, and did sort of a pre-interview with the hiring manager. Her boss told her she wasn;t qualified, but the hiring manager liked what she had to say and added her to the candidate pool. I'm hoping that means something.
For that reason I won't be actually resigning until Monday at the earliest. Right now her relationship with the company is more important than mine.
It sounds like she might have a decent shot at this job, and the bump in pay would come in handy.
But I can see the finish line pretty clearly now, down at the bottom of an ever steeper, ever shorter, smooth, smooth, hill.
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Good luck with it all - how exciting!! And don't even get me started on textbooks. Back in the Ice Age, when I was in college, we had to buy textbooks from the Student Center bookstore. It cost a frickin' boat load of money and then, when you went to sell them back after the semester, you received a pittance of the original price (and I knew they'd be reaming the next student who needed any of my books). Such a scam.... (back then).
ETW - I'm pretty sure it hasn't changed that much, although I think amazon probably does help.
Jorge - Good luck to Mona! BTW, nice spelling of with. ;-)
Yes, the college stores are still not reluctant to mark up their books. I don't know if Amazon is drving down prices at the big schools, but at the community college they were still darned expensive.
And iwth got by me. I must have even ignored it on the spell checker.
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