Thursday, November 13, 2008

Got Me Covered

Here are two things you may or may not know about me.

First, I am not a sports fan. I could care less about any college or pro sport. The only football game I watch is the superbowl and then it’s really about the ads. And hanging around with friends who have a lot of food. Oh, I might watch a few minutes of a football or baseball or hockey game from time to time, but that’s really about it.

And I have certainly never planned a day around watching televised sports (with the above exception of the Superbowl).

Second, I am a hat wearer. I love hats. Or pretty much any headwear, really.

I am considering trying to get a job on the medevac helicopter just so I can get the cool helmet.

I even have a rather expensive Stetson Fedora that I wear when I’m dressed up and the weather is bad. And I’m telling you, having a dry mellon and water-free glasses is great.

Now onto the story.

In my last job I traveled extensively and the part that I enjoyed most was working in the dental schools. I covered 26 schools and used to make it a point to buy a School of Dentistry hat from as many of the school stores as I could.

At home I would wear different hats and cycle through some favorites. I have a Harvard hat, Iowa, West Virginia University, University of Louisville, Boston University, University of Kentucky and a few others.

Lately I’ve been wearing the UK hat. I like the way it fits and it’s a jaunty royal blue.

A couple of weeks ago I was at the Kroger formerly known as Farmer Jacks doing my grocery shopping with The Peanut and wearing my UK hat when an elderly gentleman in a suit and car coat walked up, put his hand on my arm and said “school X didn’t have any mercy yesterday, did they?”

My mouth opened and I could feel the blank look on my face as I said “Excuse me?”

“Your hat” he said. “192 Million to 3 in the game yesterday.”

I pulled the hat off, prepared to explain why I was wearing a UK hat. I think he could see that I had a story and wasn’t really a fan. He just wandered off.

I felt really bad. This guy was hoping to find a friend while his wife was checking out the canned goods. And he runs into me, a guy in a hat who could really care less about football. Poor guy.

And every time we passed one another in an aisle I felt bad.

I know that it’s not my fault, nor was it his. But there are times when I feel bad about disappointing perfect strangers.

Why do you suppose that is?

Now hit me with your stories.


Anonymous said...

why it is is because it is. you like hats and don't like sports

you wore a hat with a collegiate logo that was noticeable.

like a man wearing a "Titleist" golf cap and when someone mentions, "hey I play those (clubs, shoes, balls, umbrella, et al)"

huh? uh.. oh sorry , I don't play golf

Jorge said...

Yeah, that part I got. I knew the risks when I wore the hat.

It's happened before, like when I was wearing my Harvard Medical hat in Milwaukee. Someone got on my elevator and said Oh, did you go to Harvard? My brother went there."

What I meant was why do I feel bad about disappointing a total stranger.

But it's cool. I know you were having a tough day. I hope today's better.

Kathleen said...

I'm the Old Guy. When living in SF I came across a guy wearing a Red Wings jersey, so I said something. Yeah, he was just wearing it because he thought it was cool. Difference? Hats cost $20, Jerseys $120.

Kathleen said...

If it's snowing or we have an appreciable amount of snow tomorrow I might be bailing on dinner. My e-mail address is kat_m6 at yahoo. E-mail me and I'll pass along the phone #, so that we can back out at the last minute, if need be.