Saturday, March 28, 2009

Help! I'm Stuck in an Idiom!

I am now knee deep in my psychiatric nursing rotation.

I spend two days a week, usually on the afternoon shift, at a local psychiatric hospital. I'm on a locked unit and some of the patients are, in clinical terms, bat-shit crazy. There are a lot of stories, schizophrenics and delusions all the time.

It's not as scary as most people think, but it can be a little weird sometimes.

Last night I was playing cards with a patient and a couple of students. We were playing spades. When it was my turn to deal I realized that we were short 2 cards.

I was in a mental hospital. We weren't playing with a full deck. Are you kidding me? Was it an accident or does someone, patient or staff member, have a sick sense of humor?

Somewhere in that story is two or three minutes of stand up comedy.

If a joke pops into your head I hope you'll share it.


Evil Twin's Wife said...

That is excellent. Too, too funny!

Anonymous said...

That is funny! lol.

Man... I used to volunteer at a crisis center... I have stories like you wouldn't believe. There are some really sick people out there, and thank God for people lik you who help them.