Tuesday, March 10, 2009

It passed

Last Thursday we found out that Mona, along with all her co-workers, will be keeping their jobs.

We had some other plans in place, but it's nice to not need them. It's especially nice to know that at the very least we'll still have health insurance.

Spring Break was last week, I pretty much did nothing. I did see Watchmen on Friday. It was interesting, but also in my opinion mildly pornographic. The sex scenes left little to the imagination and there was a lot of full wangular nudity.

The best part about that day was the 66 degree high. I drove with my windows down and we aired out the house for a few hours.

I'm back at it this week, and Thursday starts my psych rotation. I'm told the place I'm going is basically alcohol rehab, which I imagine means dealing with a bunch of people who are sick and pissed. Great.

The Peanut is now in her big girl bed permanently. We took her crib down on Sunday.

We're also making progress with potty training. She is going pee on the potty about 80% of the time. We're still working on #2, which has only ended up in the potty a handfull of times. But any progress is fine with me. I'm ready to be done with diapers.

And that's the short version.


Evil Twin's Wife said...

Yay on the job news! And the potty training and big girl bed. We're in the same boat. We just took the crib down a couple of weeks ago after Sissy's big girl bed came in and prior to that, she was already peeing in the potty - we're still working on #2 as well.... :-)

Anonymous said...

I am so glad for you, Jorge. And I loved the revenge ideas - you crack me up!

Kathleen said...

Oh, thank heavens for Mona keeping her job. That's brilliant.

That Friday was gorgeous, wasn't it? Instead of doing my work out on the treadmill I walked/ran outside.