Friday, January 25, 2008


Even though I generally ignore these kinds of things, the following survey interested me for reasons I still don’t understand. So I copied this from Kathleen who took it from Fermi, who ripped it off from LL, who got it from Sunshine. No tagging, just a survey with random questions. Copy the list, edit the answers, and call it your name with "ology" on the end.


Q. What is your salad dressing of choice?
A. Generally Blue Cheese

Q. What is your favorite fast food restaurant?
A. McDonalds or Moe’s

Q. What is your favorite sit down restaurant?
A. Thai Peppers in Farmington Hills

Q. On average, what size tip do you leave at a restaurant?
A. 20-25%

Q. What food could you eat every day for two weeks and not get sick of?
A1. Bulgarian or Danish Feta, Black Olives, Greek Bread and Diet Coke.
A2. Almost anything raw. Kibbee, Sushi, Carpaccio, etc.

Q. What are your pizza toppings of choice?
A1. From a store- Pepperoni, Mushrooms, Green Olives, yellow peppers
A2. If I make it- Pesto sauce with garlic, artichoke hearts, mushrooms, feta and spinach

Q. What do you like to put on your toast?
A. Butter


Q. What is your wallpaper on your computer?A. A grouper photographed while diving in the Bahamas

Q. How many televisions are in your house?
A. Two. But the second is in the guest room. I’d like a flat screen for the bedroom one day as well.


Q. Are you right-handed or left-handed?
A. Left

Q. Have you ever had anything removed from your body?
A. tonsils and adenoids

Q. When was the last time you had a cavity?
A. Three to four years.

Q. What is the last heavy item you lifted?
A. Define heavy. Maybe boxed furniture from Ikea between Christmas and New Years.

Q. Have you ever been knocked unconscious?
A. Never. It may not be possible. There’s something like 8 Lbs of pure Macedonian concrete held up by my neck. As far as I know it will stand up to anything short of a direct hit from Chuck Norris. Check the link, it’s not what you think it is. You’ll laugh. I promise.


Q. If it were possible, would you want to know the day you were going to die?
A. I don’t think so.

Q. If you could change your name, what would you change it to?
A. Alejandro Tyrone Lipschutz III. Skip for short.

Q. What color do you think looks best on you?
A. Someone once told me gray with a little blue in it looked good. I have no idea.

Q. Have you ever swallowed a non-food item by mistake?
A. Not as far as I know. But then I’ve heard that we all eat spiders accidentally when we sleep. Are arachnids an official food?

Q. Have you ever saved someone’s life?
A. Possibly. But it’s hard to say for sure. As a SCUBA instructor you try and intervene before it gets definite.

Q. Has someone ever saved yours?
A. Yes. I was seriously ill as a child. The doctors and nurses at Childrens Hospital pulled me through.


Q. Would you kiss a member of the same sex for $100?
A. Maybe. But no tounge.

Q. Would you allow one of your little fingers to be cut off for $200,000?
A. Probably not. I might look silly holding a tea cup without extending a pinky.

Q. Would you never blog again for $50,000?
A. You bet.

Q. Would you pose naked in a magazine for $250,000?
A. In a heart beat.

Q. Would you drink an entire bottle of hot sauce for $1000?
A. Sure. Gimme the thousand.

Q. Would you, without fear of punishment, take a human life for $1,000,000?
A. Do I get to pick the guy I whack? How many turns do I get? Let’s start with child molesters and move on from there.


Q. What is in your left pocket?
A. Nothing right now, but usually my keys.

Q. Is Napoleon Dynamite actually a good movie?
A. There were some good bits.

Q. Do you have hardwood or carpet in your house?
A. Hardwood everywhere except the kitchen and bathrooms. And the basement has carpet.

Q. Do you sit or stand in the shower?
A. Stand.

Q. Would you live with roommates?
A. Do my wife, baby, dog and auxillary dog (cat) count?

Q. How many pairs of flip flops do you own?
A. Do I look like a hippy to you?

Q. Last time you had a run-in with the cops?
A. Over the summer. Got a ticket that was kind of BS.

Q. Who is number 1 on your Top 8?
A. What does this mean?


Q: Last Friend you talked to?
A: My wife. Otherwise my brother.

Q: Last person who called you?
A: Again, my wife.

Q: Last person you hugged?
A: Still the wife.

Q: Last person to stick their foot in your face?
A: Are you sensing a pattern yet?


Q: Number?
A: 27

Q: Season?
A: Spring


Q: Missing someone?
A: Mom

Q: Mood?
A: Generally content with a small dose of discomfort.

Q: Listening to?
A: The baby monitor.

Q: Watching?
A: What I’m typing. I only do one thing at a time.

Q: Worrying about?
A: I don’t know if I’m worried, but I am wondering about the broader implications of the latest round of buyouts at Ford Motor. If the people who take the buyout are replaced by other workers at a substantially lower cost what is that going to mean over the next 20 years? Will other industries follow? What effect will this have on the middle class? Will it strengthen the unions in the long run since they will now have things to bargain for again or will or will they continue to weaken? If wages do fall across the board will that make US products more competitive globally? Will it lead to a return of some of those jobs that have been off-shored?

Q: First place you went this morning?
A: Inside the house- The kitchen to make Mona’s lunch. Outside, daycare for The Peanut.

Q: What can you not wait to do?
A: I don’t know. I just know that I want to live forever. I want to know what happens.

Q: What's the last movie you saw in theater?
A: National Treasure: Book of Secrets. 3 hours ago.

Q: Do you smile often?
A: Yes.

Q: Are you a friendly person?
A: I think I’m a little laid back. My wife disagrees and claims I’m outgoing. I am generally predisposed to like everyone, so I guess she’s right and the answer is yes.


Kathleen said...

Once I get my Smoking Fish cap I'm going to wear it everywhere in Dearborn, just to see if we're ever in the same places. Wouldn't it be funny if we had chatted standing in line at Kroger in the past?

Oooh, sushi. Yeah, I could definitely eat that every day for two weeks. I need to go soon!

You make pizza? I'm too lazy to cook for myself. When I was dating the Libertarian, I actually cooked real food a good 3 times! That's huge for me. ;-)

Left-handed? That explains a lot. ;-)

I think it's interesting that the guys all answer the Kill a person for $1,000,000 question essentially the same way. I'm thinking you'd get along with the ZombieSlayer.

Jorge said...

I've kind of wondered the same thing myself. Every time I see a short haired woman I think "I wonder if that's Kathleen". If you see me in Kroger (the one on the north side of Michigan) I'll be with The Peanut and Mona (a blue eyed redhead).

Mona and I want to try the Sushi at Kaos on Telegraph. We used to really love Crave but the quality and th presentation seem to have really fallen off. We usually go out to Yotsuba in W. Bloomfield now.

Pizza is easy. LaCantina market on Telegraph (next to Baskin Robins) sells fresh pizza dough, so I don't really cook so much as assemble. If you want to start cooking, that's a good way to ease into it, in my opinion. Now that I'm in school and we have The Peanut I don't cook like I used to.

There is definitely such a thing as masculine and feminine virtues (Disclaimer: although they are identified by gender and more common by gender they are generalizations. Men and women exhibit both philosophies and don't usually exclude either one totally) and there's no doubt in my mind that they affect views on punishment.

I once heard that men are more likely to find a rapist guilty as members of a jury than women are. Real men don't accept the "she was asking for it" argument, but surprisingly some women do.

My view on punishment tends to be more retributivist. I believe that punishment is internally related to a crime and correction or rehabilitation is not the aim of punishment. I didn't fully understand what my philosophy was until I took that ethics class last semester. It didn't change my mind on much, but it did help me understand my point of view and apply it more consistently.

Jorge said...

And since some people have already gotten their hats I'm hoping to have mine today.

It's the other reason I'm working from home today. The main reason is The Peanuts fever. I think it's because she has 4 teeth coming in right now.

We'l find out at the pediatricians office tomorrow.

Kathleen said...

I'm a south side of Michigan Ave Kroger person. The Farmer Jack didn't carry veggie burgers when I first moved back, so I stick with the Kroger on my side of the street (anytime I can avoid driving Michigan Avenue, I do - I can take back streets to My Kroger).

Hmm, I'm also a blue-eyed redhead.

I boycott Crave because they keep me awake all friggin' summer long. I hate them and refuse to give them money. My sushi restaurant is Godaiko in AA and Novi. A friend owns it.

I'm having trouble placing the Baskin-Robbin on Telegraph. I usually take the Southfield when I head out of Dearborn, unless I'm heading to Canton (aka Hell), then it's straight out Mich Ave.

I'm jealous that you worked at home today. Mondays I don't get home until almost 5:00, so you got yours way before me. ;-(

I agree that women can be harder on women, but I would hope like hell I wouldn't be one of those women who listen to a rapist and not the victim. I'm of two minds on the prison as rehabilitation vs punishment. I hope some people can be rehabilitated, while others I want them to rot in jail.

Jorge said...

I don't think I know Godaiko. We found one place in AA that we really liked on S. University near Washtenaw, but I don't remember the name. Where's the one in Novi?

And if you can hear Crave at night you must be pretty close. I can't think of any apartments near there, just condos. I would think the trains would bother you just as much. For us it's Telegraph. It's directly behind us and in the summer there's plenty of idiots with more horsepower than brains or mufflers who think that drag racing at 3 AM is a great idea.

Baskin Robins is south of Ford and north of Wilson (the light past Cherry Hill). It's a 2 block walk from the ol' homestead. Do you know the Einstein bagel? Three blocks north from there.

And the Taco Bell I go to on Telegraph is at Ann Arbor trail. When you asked me a while back were you thinking of the one over near Annapolis?

I actually would have rather gone to the office today. I was home with The Peanut. She has 4 canine teeth coming in at the same time and is running a temp around 102. I got nothing done because she wanted to be held most of the time and a nap was out of the question. Not a lot of fun. But then again, if I had gone to work I wouldn't have made it home until almost 9:30 because of school. So I guess there was an upside. I wore it to school today.

I don't have a problem with rehabilitation. I just think it should be separate from punishment. Prison should be a place where you are entitled to nothing but 3 meals a day, someplace you never want to go again. After the punishment phase ends, then we'll help you understand why what you did was wrong and show you how not to do that again. Unless your crime is so heinous that rehabilitation is impossible. Then we're not going to waste time or resources on you. Speedy trials, speedier appellate process and a speedy execution.

Kathleen said...

Godaiko is on Main Street/Saline south of I-94 in the same "plaza" as the Outback Steakhouse. Their Novi one is at Fountain Walk (coming off 96 at Novi Road, take the middle lane and go straight across Novi Road, stay to the right, go past the stop sign, and turn right when you can.) It's next to the Cost Plus.

I'm so used to the trains that I don't hear them anymore, for the most part, but 100 decibels of loud crappy music for five hours straight? Oh yeah. I'm over on Oakwood, a good 1/4 of a mile away, according to the police. I could tell you the set list if I listened to crappy music.

Ah, I thought you were off Telegraph south of Michigan Ave for some reason. Gotcha.

I know that Taco Bell, I used to take Ann Arbor Trail home from college when Hines was closed. I usually go to the one on Michigan Avenue, other side of Telegraph.