Monday, May 12, 2008

Mona expresses her creativity

Yesterday was Mother’s Day, and Mona asked me to post something here. Since I believe I was obligated by law to agree to any wish she made on Mothers Day, please take a look at her Jewelry site.

She got into making jewelry when she and a few other moms she hangs around with had a girls night out at some jewelry and pottery make store. She enjoyed it so much that she started making stuff at home in her spare time (usually when The Peanut is napping). She’s made a bunch of necklaces and such and feels like the only way she can make is to get rid of what she’s got now. Think of it as a garage sale kind of thing.

I promise there will be no further commercial messages after this.


Kathleen said...

Ah, beading. I have enough beads in my house to keep a small country decorated for a lifetime. We shall not discuss my yarn collection.

Kathleen said...

Hmmm, isn't school out? I remember the good ol' days when you posted more than once a month. Heck, you're posting almost as often as I do! ;-)